New REL Tool: PLC Facilitator’s Guide for Improving Math Problem Solving in Grades 4 Through 8
REL Southeast has developed a set of professional development materials to supplement the What Works Clearinghouse practice guide, Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 Through 8.
The professional learning community facilitator’s guide complements and extends the practice guide by providing step-by-step guidance for teachers to incorporate three evidence-based recommendations into their classroom practice:
Teach students how to use visual representations (Recommendation 3);
Expose students to multiple problem-solving strategies (Recommendation 4); and
Help students recognize and articulate mathematical concepts and notation (Recommendation 5).
The facilitator’s guide helps teachers experiment with and reflect on the key ideas and strategies in the practice guide. Teachers will learn research-based strategies to help students develop proficiency in mathematical problem solving in preparation for advanced mathematics and other complex tasks.

Top Downloaded Article 2017-2018
Joe Dimino has received a Certificate of Achievement for the article, The Strategic Use of Scaffolded Instruction in Social Studies Interventions for Students with Learning Disabilities (Ciullo & Dimino, 2017) published in Learning Disabilities Research & Practice. Amongst articles published between January 2017 and December 2018, this paper received some of the most downloads in the 12 months following online publication. Thus, generating immediate impact and visibility, which contributed significantly to the advancement of our field.

Congratulations! IRG Team Receives Kirk Award at CEC 2019
Robin Schumacher, Madhavi Jayanthi, Russell Gersten, Joseph Dimino, Samantha Spallone, and Kelly Haymond received the Kirk Award for a paper published in Learning Disability Research and Practice entitled: Using the number line to promote understanding of fractions for struggling fifth graders: A formative pilot study. Dr. Schumacher accepted the award on behalf of the author team at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.