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Model Demonstration

Title: Algebraic Reasoning for Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities: Improving Effectiveness Through Evidence-Based Practices, Professional Development, and Data-Based Instruction.


Purpose: This Model Demonstration Project is being is being funded by the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education (Grant #H326M170003). The purpose of this project is to provide technical assistance to middle schools to improve algebraic reasoning for students with mathematics disabilities and students with mathematics difficulties. The model will be implemented within a multi-tiered system of support. As part of this project, classroom teachers, special education teachers, and paraprofessionals working with students struggling with mathematics will receive professional development and job-embedded coaching. Other aspects of the model include screening students, supporting intervention implementation, monitoring student progress, and making data-based decisions. Three middle schools will participate in this model demonstration project. A lag implementation design, with the model being implemented in only one middle school per year, will be used. Schools will be supported to facilitate sustained use of the model.


Timeline: The project will be conducted over four years: 2018-2022.


Key Personnel: Russell Gersten (PI); Madhavi Jayanthi (co-PI); Joseph Dimino (co-PI); Robin Schumacher (co-PI)


Instructional Materials

Table of Contents


  1. What is Algebraic Reasoning

  2. Mathematical Language

  3. Manipulatives and Representations

  4. Think Alouds and Student Explanations

  5. Revising Standard Mathematical Tasks: Reversibility, Flexibility, Generalization (RFG) Framework

  6. Other Instructional Supports for Mathematics Intervention

  7. Co-Teaching

  8. Coaching

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