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Instructional Practices that Enhance Learning for Students Struggling with Rational Numbers: A Meta-Analysis

Purpose: The research project is being funded by the National Science Foundation (grant # DRL-1660853). The purpose of the proposed project is to conduct a meta-analysis of rigorous intervention research for students struggling with fractions, ratios, and proportions (i.e., rational number). Instructional intervention research on rational number topics conducted with struggling students in grades 3-9 from 1986 to the present, will be included in the meta-analysis. The main goal of the meta-analysis is to explore which specific instructional practices (e.g., guided inquiry, use of heuristics, encouraging a range of problem solving strategies, explicit instruction, cumulative review, and extensive practice) are associated with improved learning of rational number topics. A secondary goal is to explore an array of variables (e.g., specific rational number topic(s) covered by the intervention, content level of the topics covered, grade level of the students, nature of the outcome measure(s), duration of the intervention, and intervention group size) that may impact the effectiveness of these specific instructional practices.


Timeline: The project will be conducted over two years: 2017-2019.


Key Personnel: Russell Gersten (PI); Robin Schumacher (co-PI); Rebecca Newman-Gonchar (co-PI)



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